Pose Drawing Sparkbook SOLD OUT! (Ebook Still Available)

Almost a year after my Kickstarter campaign ended, I’ve now sold and shipped my entire inventory of the Pose Drawing Sparkbook. I’m thrilled that so many people have found it to be a helpful resource. Although there are no physical copies left, you can still order the ebook version as an instant download from my […]

“Pricing Game” For Illustrators

I’ve been a member of the Graphic Artists Guild for a couple of years now. They frequently host webinars on various topics related to business and art. The webinars are open to everyone for a fee unless you’re a member. Then they’re free. That alone makes a membership worth the cost. To give you an […]

This and That 7/5/14

I’ve been plenty busy getting ready for our upcoming move to a bigger house while also working on several client projects that have to stay under wraps. In the mean time, here’s a few interesting links and tidbits from around the ol’ interwebs: Riddle me this, Batman: What classic TV show is finally coming to […]

Sportscaster Illo for Highlights Magazine

The July 2014 issue of Highlights Magazine just arrived in my mailbox. On page 15 is this spot illustration I did for a math segment called “What’s The Score?”  The client wanted a seal posed as an excited sportscaster with some fictional team logos on the screen behind him. The empty area in the lower […]

Sketchbook Update: ‘Horse Mask’ for Sketch Dailies

I’ve been doing a ton of client work over the past few weeks (most of which I can’t show or talk about). Every once in a while I just have to set it all aside and play around with my sketchbook. Over on Twitter is a fun feed called @sketch_dailies. They publish a daily character-based […]

I’m On YouTube

[youtube_sc url=uWmqWcv9tKA width=430] Hey YouTubers! I’ve decided to join the party and have created my own YouTube channel. So far it’s mostly clips from my webinars, such as the sample above (available for purchase in my store) but I’ve also put up a drawing demo, my own animation commentary on a Popeye cartoon, and a couple […]