My Experience With A Standing Desk

Because we Americans spend so much time sitting on our ever-expanding rumps, standing desks are gaining popularity in office culture. I began using one in my illustration studio over a year ago. Recently a friend wrote to ask me if I would recommend that he get one? After typing a long response to him, I decided it […]

Download My Newly Updated PDF Portfolios

I’ve just cooked up a piping hot batch of portfolio artwork for you to enjoy. You can now download updated PDFs of my Illustration, Character Design, and Toy Design portfolios over on my Downloads Page. Save ’em, print ’em, or keep them on file. As always, you can also download a free list of 100 sketchbook […]

My Annual Good Friday Post

Today is Good Friday. As a Christian this is one of the most important days of the year for me, the day we pause to commemorate the torture, crucifixion, and death of Jesus Christ. You may wonder, why would a day like that be called “good?” Because even though it was a terrible day for […]

T-shirt Art For My Parent’s Anniversary

My parent’s celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary on March 14, which also happens to be “Pie Day”. Math nerds will recognize Pi as a number famous for going on forever. It literally has no end but the first five digits are “3.1415”. Hence, the date 3/14/15 is “Pi (or Pie) Day”. My parents asked me to get them […]