My Little Pony Playset Stickers for Hasbro

Over the years I’ve worked on dozens of projects for Hasbro. Most of what I do for them is “planning and production” so the artwork stays behind the scenes and will never be seen by the general public. The toy business is competitive and Hasbro is naturally very protective of their ideas, which I respect. […]

2016 Highlights and Accomplishments

2016 was another jam-packed year for my illustration studio. I’m deeply grateful to have such a fun job where I get to work on so many exciting projects with so many amazing people. Here’s a few highlights from our most recent trip around the sun. (I’ll warn you there are a lot of projects I can’t […]

Yawning for Highlights Magazine

I had the pleasure of illustrating the “Tell Me Why” feature in the July 2016 issue of Highlights magazine, for a short blurb answering the question, “Why do we yawn?”. Highlights has been around since I was a kid (when magazines were still carved on stone tablets) and they’ve done a pretty good job of […]

My Annual Good Friday Post

Today is Good Friday. For Christians this is one of the most important days of the year, the day we pause to commemorate the torture, crucifixion, and death of Jesus Christ. You may wonder, why would a day like that be called “good?” Because even though it was a terrible day for Jesus it was a […]

Pose Drawing Sparkbook – Basic PDF

The Pose Drawing Sparkbook is a super-charged sketchbook designed to help you put more life and personality into your drawings. This PDF version is less expensive than the physical book, easier to carry, and can be used with any drawing media (paper or digital). This PDF includes everything from the physical book, except all of the spark exercises are printed in list form instead of one per page. The Expanded version including 200 additional sketchbook prompts is available for purchase here.