S’Mores Print-On-Demand

I’ve been dipping my toe into the “print on demand” space. I’ve uploaded a few designs and have seen some success with some cartoon facemasks over on Redbubble. So, I thought I’d see what else I could come up with. Here’s a summer campfire illustration I doodled up and converted into a couple of different designs. […]

RIP Mort Drucker

Yeterday Mort Drucker, one of the greatest cartoonists of the 20th century, died at age 91. He was not only a brilliant draftsman but he also had an uncanny knack for caricature. Drucker was most famous for his work for MAD Magazine. As one of their flagship artists he illustrated hundreds of MAD movie parodies. […]

Tips & Tricks for Working at Home

The caronavirus has thrown a lot of us off-balance. As the owner of my own studio I’ve been working from home for over two decades. Suddenly some of you may be finding yourselves working from home too. I thought I’d share a few “pro tips” that might make your quarantine adventure go a little easier: […]