When It Rains, It Pours

Since I make my living as an artist, you’d think I actually have time to draw. But this last week or so I’ve been overwhelmed by administrative tasks (including a new promotional campaign, shopping for insurance, setting up a new computer network, and of course taxes), and the rest of my time has been spent […]

To MacBook Or Not To MacBook?

The new MacBook Pro is Apple’s first laptop with their new Intel chip, which will make it the fastest Apple laptop ever by far. Unfortunately the current version of Photoshop is not configured to run on the Intel chip, so until the next version comes out Photoshop will actually run slower on the MacBook Pro. […]

80,000 copies sold in six weeks!

First, I want to thank everyone for your kind words of concern for my Dad. He is home from the hospital and doing well. I am very thankful considering we came within a whisker of losing him. If the paramedics had arrived a couple of minutes later, he would have died. It really makes me […]

Taking a Break

Yesterday I received the gut-wrenching news that my father has had a heart attack. Fortunately the ambulance arrived just in time to revive him, the surgery went well, and it appears he is going to be just fine. For that I am extremely thankful to God, it could have been so much worse. And I’ve […]

Gone to the Dogs

I’ve been hired to take a shot at developing a dog and cat character for a curriculum publisher. Several other artists have already made attempts. The client seems to know what they don’t want but aren’t too sure exactly what they do want. Here’s my first few drawings trying to find the right dog. I […]

Revised Self-Promotion Card

Thanks everyone for the great feedback on my self-promotion postcard (two entries ago). Based on that feedback, here is a new version. Not sure yet if I like the background colors. I think keeping only two background colors helps unify it more, but it’s hard to find two colors that will compliment each of the […]