Time for Some Self-Promotion!

It’s time for a new “snail mail” campaign to promote my work. Here’s a rough mock-up of a postcard idea (click the images for a larger version). I’m trying to market myself as a character designer, so I’ve collected 11 of my favorite designs from 2005 into a psudo-Brady Bunch format. This is going to […]

My First Mini-Comic

This is my first attempt at illustrating my own sequentiual art project (that’s fancy artist talk for a comic book). It’s an 8-page gospel tract created for Living Waters, a publisher in California. You can read the whole thing by clicking here or on the image above. The concept of tracts has always fascinated me. […]

Creationism is illegal?!?

My blog is usually about art-related topics, but please allow me this brief diversion. A federal judge has just ruled that the theory of intelligent design cannot be discussed in biology classes in a Pennsylvania public school district. Why? Not because of it’s scientific merits (or lack thereof), but because it violates the so-called “separation […]


I’ve been comissioned to design a vole character for an animated “Whack-a-Mole” type game. Problem is, voles are extremely cute, and who wants to whack a cute character? So I started playing around with abstracted shapes to hopefully give him a little more attitude. Not sure if it worked. This is my progression of sketches. […]

It’s a Jungle Out There…

I was recently comissioned by a children’s magazine to create a full-page illustration of the Amazon jungle containing eight hidden frogs. The budget was low and the deadline was a little tight, so I did the best I could with the time I had. I’m fairly happy with how it turned out, except I’m concerned […]