
The north central chapter of the National Cartoonists Society (of which I am a member) is having their yearly get-together in Minneapolis Oct. 6-8. The event is set to coincide with FallCon, Minnesota’s largest comic book convention, so it will be a fun, full weekend. As part of the event, the Minneapolis College of Art […]

Attention Comic-Con Attendees…

If you attended Comic-Con this year, I’d like your help. There were a ton of great seminars this year, but there was one that I couldn’t get in to. “Web Comics: Finding an Audience” had one of the longest lines I had ever seen, stretching down the hallway, around the corner, down another hallway, around […]

The Dust is Settling After Comic-Con ’06

Another whirlwind geek-fest in San Diego has come and gone. I attended some great seminars, soaked up a ton of inspirational artwork, and I finally got the chance to meet and hang out with some incredibly talented people I’d only known online. I’m exhausted and very sleep-deprived but also super-pumped. My creative juices are gushing […]

The Challenges of Freelancing

Theres a very good article on the “postion:relative” blog titled “The Biggest Challenges Facing Independant Designers”. Just substitute the words “freelance illustrators” instead of “independant designers”, and it’s a good summary of the stuff they don’t tell you in art school when you are considering a freelance career. Not that I’m complaining. I abolutely love […]

New Blog: MAD Caricaturist Tom Richmond

Back around 1995 while still in art school, I took a summer job drawing caricatures at a local amusement park. It was the first job where I actually got paid to draw, and it was a tremendous learning and growing experience for me. Sort of an art boot camp. I was very shy and insecure […]

The Great White Hope of Indy Animators by Keith Lango

Animator Keith Lango (VeggieTales, Disney, Robots) has an excellent series on his blog discussing the problems facing independent animators who want to market their work on the internet. Keith also has some good insights into what’s wrong with the current system and what might be done to change things. “The Great White Hope of Indy […]