Sketchbook Update: It’s a Bird!….

My wife and I went up north this weekend for a mini-vacation at a friend’s cabin and to celebrate our first wedding anniversary. It was also our first trip together with no itinerary, no friends or family, nothing to do but relax. We had a great time, and we both came back very refreshed. Of […]

Can Cartoonists Make Money With The Internet?

With comic book sales in a slump and with newspaper readership steadily dropping, is it possible to be successful in comics or cartoons these days? Certainly. In recent years a few have become quite successful, thanks to the internet. The internet is opening brand new doors for comics creators to explore. But while some doorways […]

Coming Soon: FallCon and the Nat’l Cartoonist Society

Fallcon is Minnesota’s premier comic book convention, and it’s always a lot of fun. I am usually there with a table promoting my illustration work. Except for last year, when I couldn’t attend because I was getting married to my lovely and beautiful wife Jennie. That means that this year FallCon is happening the same […]

Business Lessons from VeggieTales

As you may have heard, a couple of years ago Big Idea (the animation studio that gave us VeggieTales) went bankrupt. As a result, Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber are now owned by Classic Media (which also owns Lassie and Rocky & Bullwinkle). VeggieTales creator Phil Vischer has posted a detailed description of […]

The Path to 9/11

It’s been five years since the terrorists have had a successful attack on America. As a result, it’s tempting to think that the war on terror has pretty much been won. Can’t it all just be over already? No, it can’t. And now I understand why. Over the last two nights my wife and I […]

The Miniature Earth

I recently stumbled upon a very thought-provoking Flash presentation. If the world’s population were simplified to only 100 people, this is about how it would look. Powerful stuff, really makes you think. We Americans are probably a lot more spoiled than we would like to admit. So appreciate what you have. And maybe do something […]