Coming Soon: FallCon and the Nat’l Cartoonist Society

Coming Soon: FallCon and the Nat’l Cartoonist Society

Fallcon is Minnesota’s premier comic book convention, and it’s always a lot of fun. I am usually there with a table promoting my illustration work. Except for last year, when I couldn’t attend because I was getting married to my lovely and beautiful wife Jennie. That means that this year FallCon is happening the same weekend as our first anniversary!

It’s also the same weekend as the annual meeting for the North Central Chapter of the National Cartoonist’s Society, which is being held in Minneapolis this year. The NCS will be having a panel discussion/Q&A at FallCon called, “Ask the Cartoonists: Cartoonology 101”, and I have been invited to be one of the panelists. I am honored to join the other panel members Michael Jantze (The Norm), Tom Richmond (MAD Magazine), and Jerry Van Amerongen (Ballard Street). We will be discussing the business of cartooning, where the industry is headed, and answering questions from the audience. The discussion will be at 1:00pm on Saturday, Oct. 7 in the FallCon auditorium/meeting room. So if you are planning to attend FallCon, come check it out!

I’ve also been coordinating an art show at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design featuring over 80 pieces of work from NCS chapter members. The exhibit (called “EyeToons”) will run in the MCAD gallery from October 6-22. There is also a special reception where you can meet the artists on Friday, Oct. 6 from 6-8pm. So come to FallCon, then head on over to the MCAD gallery!

Then on Saturday night come back to MCAD at 7:30 p.m. for show-and-tell presentations in the Auditorium by Tom Richmond, Michael Jantze, and Jerry Van Amerongen. I’ve seen Tom give his presentation before, and if you have any interest in cartooning this will be well worth your time. And it’s free!

It’s going to be a very full weekend. What a time to have a wedding anniversary! Fortunately I have a very understanding wife, and I’m planning a special anniversary celebration for us on the following weekend to make it up to her. I luv ya, Honey! You’re the best!