Curious George

Last fall I was approached by Houghton-Mifflin about possibly doing a Curious George project. They were looking for an artist who could replicate the style of H.A. Rey, the writer/artist who created Curious George. This is what I submitted. (EDIT: The images have been removed at Houghton-Mifflin’s request until their Curious George project is completed.) […]

Finally! A Tablet Computer for Mac Users

The other day I wrote that I was seriously considering the purchase of a Cintiq so I could draw directly on the screen. Then I read about the Modbook, a new computer unveiled today at the Macworld Expo conference. It’s not sold by Apple, but it is a Mac. Made by Other World Computing, the […]

The Secrets of Sustaining Success

No, I’m not quoting Anthony Robbins. This is the title of a great little article I just read on If you make any income doing freelance artwork, this is a must-read. It begins: “Starting a business is easy. Sustaining it is hard. Here’s what successful creative professionals say about what makes them stay successful.” […]

To Cintiq or not to Cintiq?

I’m seriously considering the purchase of a Cintiq. For those who don’t know, the Cintiq is a large, sophisticated computer monitor that lets you draw directly on the screen with a special pressure-sensitive pen. For artists working in the digital age, it’s a very impressive tool. The Cintiq’s I saw on display at Comic-Con were […]

Questions Santa is Sick of Being Asked at Parties

Need some Christmas humor? Check out these lists from Cap’n Wacky: Questions Santa Claus is Sick of Being Asked at Parties Supervillains, What Are Your Plans For Ruining Christmas? Mafia Christmas Traditions There ya go. Some jolly for your holly.

Christmas: From the Archives

This illustration is from one of my very first freelance projects after graduating from college (1997). Even though my artwork is much more cartoony nowadays, I though this would be an appropriate image to wish everyone a very merry Christmas. If you look past the Santas and the shopping and the stress, the story of […]