New Character Designs

I can’t say what these are for yet, but I’ve been hired to design some characters for an upcoming project. Here’s two of them: A rapping duck and a German apple strudel. (Now I’ve got you curious, don’t I?)

Sketchbook Update: Michael Landon

I’ve been cooped up the entire Labor Day weekend trying to meet a deadline. Fortunately, TV Land is showing a 72-hour Michael Landon marathon (an uplifting contrast to Hurricane Katrina). So tonight I thought I’d unwind with a sketch Charles Ingalls. Call me a sap, but I’ve always enjoyed Little House on the Prairie. Sure […]


I love sketching and try and take a sketchbook with me wherever I go, always striving to improve my drawing skills. It’s true what they say, there aren’t any shortcuts to artistic excellence. There’s only one long, winding road called Practice. Every time I start thinking I’ve “arrived” as an artist, I look at the […]

Syndicates be warned!

Newspaper syndicates may soon be a thing of the past. Cartoonist Scott Kurtz has one of the most successful comic strips on the web. PVP is a smartly-written strip about the publishers of a gaming magazine. Scott gets about a jillion hits a month to his site, and his popular strip has recently expanded into […]

Sketchbook Update: Giddyup!

My warm-up sketch today was for a cowboy thread on The Drawing Board. For the color I experimented with some Photshop brushes. I really want to get a better grasp of what Photoshop can do.

Fanboy Radio to the Rescue!

One of the great things about freelancing is that you get to work at home and be your own boss. One of the not so great things is that it can get quite lonely. You miss having other artists around to talk to, joke around with, and be inspired by. So I was really excited […]