Character Design Tag

Yesterday the FedEx man showed up at my door with my proof copy of the Pose Drawing Sparkbook! That's right, the book is finished and at the printer. Since my successful Kickstarter campaign ended back in August I've been burning gallons of midnight oil trying to make this book as great as I possibly can. Now it's finally a reality...

I'm proud to announce that Emmy-winning character designer Dan Haskett has written the Foreword to the Pose Drawing Sparkbook. Dan is an amazing character designer, animator, and all-around great guy. He's worked on everything from Sesame Street to Beauty and the Beast to Toy Story to The Simpsons, where he won an Emmy for his work converting Matt Groening's rough designs into an animation-friendly format. I consider Dan a...

A new VeggieTales episode recently landed on store shelves, MacLarry and the Stinky Cheese Battle (Amazon link). The story is built around a battle of escalating practical jokes between two rival tribes, sort of Braveheart meets Gladiator but with cream pies. I was hired by Big Idea to do some character and costume design for the episode, including designing two...

(This excerpt is from a rough draft of  the Pose Drawing Sparkbook, a super-charged sketchbook designed to help you put more life and personality into your drawings. Think of it as acting exercises for your sketchbook.Read other snippets here and here.) As human beings we all experience the same basic emotions, but everyone has their own unique personality through which those emotions are filtered. This can...