Yesterday the FedEx man showed up at my door with my proof copy of the Pose Drawing Sparkbook! That’s right, the book is finished and at the printer. Since my successful Kickstarter campaign ended back in August I’ve been burning gallons of midnight oil trying to make this book as great as I possibly can. Now it’s finally a reality and I can hardly believe it. I am *SO* grateful to the hundreds of Kickstarter backers who helped make all of this possible.
Here’s a photo of one of the “spark” exercises. There are 100 of these in the book, each one custom-designed to give you broad possibilities to draw characters that act, emote, and entertain.
There’s also over 32 pages of instructional content to help you focus on acting and personality as you draw. In the back of the book are hundreds of bonus sketchbook ideas.
The Pose Drawing Sparkbook is 250 pages, measuring 7″x10″ and printed on real sketchbook paper. You can pre-order the physical book or the ebook version here. I’ll be launching the book next month at the CTN Animation Expo in Burbank and will start fulfilling orders as soon as I get back from the conference.