New! Original Art for Sale

I’ve created a new “Original Art” section in my online store. Nowadays I create most of my work digitally but I’ve gone through my old sketchbooks and posted a few pieces from back when I used to draw more on paper.

Check it out:

Comic: Atheist Logic


This is a personal piece I did in between some client work and my regular webcomics. One of the most important questions of life is, “Is there a God?”. This is my take.

I have nothing against atheists, and I certainly don’t think I’m any smarter or better than them. I just don’t see the logic.

Inktober 2016, Days 1-3:

Been too busy to blog so I’m grouping three days into one post.


Day 1: I feel like I’m cheating because this is just a rough doodle but it was such a long, full day that I didn’t get a chance to pick up a pen until after 10pm. I started with a drawing prompt from the Pose Drawing Sparkbook that reads, “Trying to close an overstuffed suitcase.” Then I thought, “How could I make that funny?” This is where my brain went. Maybe later I’ll do a polished version for Sketchbook Silliness.


Day 2: Since it wasSunday I did some work on a serious (not jokey) comic idea about Jesus as the Good Shepherd. Something about it still feels kinda under-cooked so I’ve decided to set it aside for now, but here’s a sneak peek at part of one panel.


Day 3: A sneak peek at tomorrow’s Sketchbook Silliness cartoon.

The best way to keep on on my Inktober work is to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Sketching for St. Jude

NCS North Central Chapter members Kelly McNutt, Phil Juliano, and Cedric Hohnstadt.
NCS North Central Chapter members Kelly McNutt, Phil Juliano, and Cedric Hohnstadt.
Hundreds of people attended the St. Jude Walk/Run for childhood cancer. Sept. 24, 2016.
Hundreds of people attended the St. Jude Walk/Run for childhood cancer. Sept. 24, 2016.
Kelly McNutt draws with a young artist.
Kelly McNutt draws with a young artist.
Kelly McNutt and Phil Juliano share cartooning secrets with the next generation.
Kelly McNutt and Phil Juliano pass on some cartooning secrets to the next generation.
Yours Truly (left) and Kelly McNutt (right) getting in touch with our inner children.

The National Cartoonists Society, of which I am a member, partners with St. Jude by sending cartoonists to hospitals around the country to visit and draw with sick kids (more info here.) This past Saturday (Sept. 24) was the annual Minneapolis St. Jude Walk/Run for childhood cancer, held at the brand new US Bank Stadium. I was there along with two other local NCS members, animator Kelly McNutt and cartoonist Phil Juliano who draws the strip “Best In Show”. We spent the morning drawing with kids, answering their questions, and offering a few pointers. It was a lot of fun.

I mostly drew popular cartoon and video game characters, but since we were at the new home of the Vikings I also managed to doodle a few vikings of my own:

Color sketch by Cedric Hohnstadt of a cartoon viking holding a shield and sword. Copyright © 2016, Cedric Hohnstadt. All rights reserved.

Color sketch by Cedric Hohnstadt of a cartoon viking waving a purple flag. Copyright © 2016, Cedric Hohnstadt. All rights reserved.

Color sketch by illustrator Cedric Hohnstadt of a viking running with his sword. Copyright © 2016, Cedric Hohnstadt. All rights reserved.

St. Jude is a terrific organization that does great work, and patients are never charged for any of their services. If you want to help them in their fight against childhood cancer you can chip in a donation on their website. Even small gifts make a difference.


Sketchbook Update: Abe Vigoda 1921-2016

Abe Vigoda

Sad to hear about the passing of Abe Vigoda at age 94 (not a hoax this time). So I decided to sketch Detective Fish for today’s doodle break.

One of my favorite “classic” sitcoms is Barney Miller. It was very funny but not in a laugh-out-loud way, more in a low-key, earthy way. I own the entire series on DVD and most of it holds up extremely well. Surprisingly I couldn’t find a good clip of Detective Fish on YouTube, but here’s a so-so one that at least captures the spirit of his character:

[youtube_sc url=_-VXWf3-qec]