Emmy Winning Character Designer Dan Haskett Writes Foreword to Pose Drawing Sparkbook

Illustration by Cedric Hohnstadt

I’m proud to announce that Emmy-winning character designer Dan Haskett has written the Foreword to the Pose Drawing Sparkbook.

Dan is an amazing character designer, animator, and all-around great guy. He’s worked on everything from Sesame Street to Beauty and the Beast to Toy Story to The Simpsons, where he won an Emmy for his work converting Matt Groening’s rough designs into an animation-friendly format.

I consider Dan a friend and I have tremendous admiration for him both as an artist and as a person. I’m both humbled and grateful that he has so generously given his support for the Pose Drawing Sparkbook. To learn more about Dan, here’s an interview I did with him on my blog back in 2010.

The book is almost finished and will be going to press soon. The official launch will be at at the CTN Animation Expo in November, but you can pre-order yours now.