How To Draw Bubbles the Goldfish

Goldfish Swim Schools hired me to design a mascot for them, a happy little fish called Bubbles. He’s quite popular with the kids. Goldfish has made Bubbles into toys and tattoos and featured him on coloring pages, window clings, lunchboxes, and two children’s books.

Kids sometimes ask how to draw Bubbles so Goldfish hired me to create a video and a handout showing them how. Now kids can take Bubbles with them wherever they go!

(The above image is a low-res version. Click the button below to download the hi-res version for printing).

Covid Halloween Masks

I’ve drawn up a few Halloween designs for caronavirus masks. Spread a little fun while handing out candy or hanging out at your next Halloween party. Available in three sizes: Adult, Teen, and Kids. The masks are printed “on demand” and shipped by Redbubble. Orders can take 2-3 weeks to fulfill so buy now to make sure you have them in time for Halloween.

Click the button below to browse my selection of masks.

S’mores Print-On-Demand

I’ve been dipping my toe into the “print on demand” space. I’ve uploaded a few designs and have seen some success with some cartoon facemasks over on Redbubble. So, I thought I’d see what else I could come up with. Here’s a summer campfire illustration I doodled up and converted into a couple of different designs. You can order it on shirts, mugs, stickers, and much more over on my Redbubble storefront.

Live Draw Tonight! (May 11)

Cartoonist Paul Cox is the creator of RefToons. He takes inspiring quotes from famous Christians in church history and illustrates them in charming ways. Tonight I’ll be a guest on a livedraw with Paul at 8pm CST. Just search Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram for “@reftoons”. Tune in and hit us up with questions!


New “Six Pack Abs” Sticker

I’ve added a new item to my store. Show the world you are serious about getting in shape with this new cartoon sticker. Size: 2-3/4” x 3” (7mm x 7.75mm).

Christian Comics

In between client projects I do a webcomic called Sketchbook Silliness. It’s a way for me to express my creativity and just mess around. The whole thing is sort of an experiment with my comics ranging from the silly to the serious to the spiritual. I’ve been fortunate enough to have a few go viral. One recently made the front page of Reddit, another made most viral on Imgur, and I’ve had two comics get over one million views on TikTok (this one and this one).

You may have noticed that the second of those TikTok comics was about my Christian faith. A few days ago I posted another comic about my faith that has also been doing pretty well. It got 35 retweets on Twitter (which is a lot for me) and has been steadily passed around on Facebook with over 2,300 shares and counting).

Fact is, my Christian comics (on average) do as well or better than my other comics. Many of my regular comics have flopped, whereas most of my religious comics have done fair-to-well in terms of likes/comments/shares. They are few and far between but overall they are well-received.

So, I’ve decided to gather them all into one place. If anyone is interested in reading all of my Christian comics at once you can find them here. My hope is that they might be something there that will be a blessing to someone.