Comic: Atheist Logic


This is a personal piece I did in between some client work and my regular webcomics. One of the most important questions of life is, “Is there a God?”. This is my take.

I have nothing against atheists, and I certainly don’t think I’m any smarter or better than them. I just don’t see the logic.

Cow Mascot for Mountainside Farms

Earlier this year I was contacted by Mountainside Farms, a regional east coast dairy company, to help them design a new mascot for their packaging. They had been using a cow character designed by another illustrator but decided it was time for a new look. They asked me to design a cow who’s face could be plugged into the existing packaging layout.

Cow Mascot-Rough Character Concepts

I started by doing a bunch of rough sketches experimenting with various shapes and poses. Some were stronger than others but that’s part of the process.

I knew that the general public would likely only see the cow’s face but it felt more natural to design the full body. If, in the future, the client ever decided they wanted to use a full body pose for anything I didn’t want to be put in the situation of having to Frankenstein a new body onto the head. I think you get a stronger and more pleasing result when the body and head are designed together.

I also tried Photoshopping various heads onto the existing packaging. I also experimented with variations on different background shapes, cowbell or no cowbell, etc.

After some back and forth with a few refinements, here’s how the final design turned out:

Mountainside Farms New Mascot

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Looking for a mascot for your brand or business? I can help! Read about The Power of a Mascot or fill out this questionnaire to help me understand your needs.

Photo Standee for Goldfish Swim Schools


One of my regular clients is Goldfish Swim Schools. I designed a mascot for them a few years ago (Bubbles the goldfish) and they’ve been making steady use of him ever since. The most recent project I’ve done for them is to illustrate a photo standee. Children can stick their head in the little hole and have their picture taken with Bubbles. I’m told you can see it in use if you follow @goldfishswimschool on Instagram.

EDIT: I recently had the chance to travel to Michigan to visit the Goldfish headquarters in person. Here’s how I would look with a true turtleneck:


Pizza Game Concept


Earlier this year I was hired by the Minneapolis Star-Tribune to help them pitch an ad to a national pizza chain. The name of the chain needs to stay confidential but it’s a well-known brand.

The idea was to have a full-page spread featuring a pizza-themed board game, something the whole family could play while waiting for the pizza delivery guy or while enjoying their fresh, hot pizza. To help them pitch the idea I sketched up a preliminary board game layout. We even took some of it to full-color to help sell the concept. After I turned in the art someone put it into a layout and added text, instructions, etc.

I’m told they liked the idea and seriously considered it but ultimately they passed. I’ve been given permission to include the art in my portfolio, provided I remove any references to the pizza brand (which I’ve done). It was a really fun project. Oh well, you can’t win ’em all.

Yawning for Highlights Magazine


I had the pleasure of illustrating the “Tell Me Why” feature in the July 2016 issue of Highlights magazine, for a short blurb answering the question, “Why do we yawn?”. Highlights has been around since I was a kid (when magazines were still carved on stone tablets) and they’ve done a pretty good job of staying modern and fresh. If you haven’t looked at them in a while, check out their website and see what they have to offer for the kiddos in your life.

Renaissance Game

Recently I was hired by the Minneapolis Star-Tribune to help them pitch an idea for an interactive ad that included a simple animated Renaissance game. Here’s the concept art I worked up. The game needed to fit two different aspect ratios, so which is why there is so much empty space along the top and bottom:

Renaissance Game Background

Renaissance Game Characters

Renaissance Game Background

Renaissance Game Background