
Musicologie is a music school headquartered in Columbus, Ohio. They hired me to design a fun cartoon mascot inspired by the bird in their existing logo: I started with some VERY rough thumbnail doodles, messing around with a bunch of shapes and proportions. Some turned out better than others but that's how every creative process starts: The client asked me to...

Last year the Six Speed marketing agency in Minneapolis hired me to illustrate a children's activity book to promote Polaris snowmobiles. This summer they hired me again to do one promoting their ATV's. Here's a few of the finished pages: ...

A while back I watched Peter Jackson's excellent documentary, "They Shall Not Grow Old". It made me realize soldiers in WWI don't get enough credit. Soldiers from World War II get tons of movies and books and accolades, and rightly so. But the soldiers from the previous war were just as heroic, and in some ways suffered worse. Trenches were...

This is so cool! I occasionally make Christian webcomics and post them over at A professional animator named Jezreel Carlos took one of my most popular webcomics and made an animated version. The audio is AI generated but he animated the visuals himself, and did a great job! You can follow Jezreel on LinkedIn. ...

Exodus 90 is a Catholic ministry for men. Their goal is to challenge men of all ages and backgrounds with a 90-day period of fasting and discipline, focusing on three areas: prayer, asceticism (self-denial), and fraternity (brotherhood). They asked me to help them design an appealing mascot that they could use in some of their materials. We talked about...

Toy company Strottman International was working on a line of characters inspired by Christmas elves. Early in the process they hired me to work up some rough designs inspiration. It was really fun to just noodle around and explore. I submitted over twenty sketches. The project evolved and gears were shifted, as often happens in the early phases of something creative....