Wanna Buy Some Stuff?


Got some money burning a hole in your pocket but nothing to spend it on? I’m here to help.

First, I’ve just updated my Cedric Hohnstadt Recommends store on Amazon.com. Lots of books, DVDs, and other resources that I give a big thumbs up to. Full disclosure: You don’t pay any extra by buying through my store instead of through Amazon’s normal channels, but Amazon will give me a tiny sliver of whatever you wind up spending after clicking over to the store.

While I was hanging around Amazon I also created a store with a few of the books & DVDs I’ve worked on in the past. Same disclosure applies.

Finally, if you are really desperate to part with your cash I’ve just opened a store at Zazzle.com. At Zazzle you can order shirts, mugs, tote bags, neckties, or just about anything and have custom art printed on it – either yours or someone else’s. I don’t have much there yet but over time I’ll be uploading a few more purty pictures from my files for you to choose from (such as the bee art above). Also, if you order over Memorial Day weekend you can save 15% with the discount code “15OFFPRODUCT“.

There you go. Enjoy the holiday weekend!


The Book Sale Strikes Back

That’s right. I’m having another book sale.

I’ve got a pretty large collection of art books in my studio library. Too many in fact. I bought a stack of books last summer at Comic-Con and they’ve been piled neatly on my studio floor all these months because there’s just no room for them on the shelves. So it’s time to prune everything down again.

I’ve listed a few books for sale on Amazon and hope to add more in the next few days. You can view a live update of everything I have available on my Amazon.com storefront: http://www.amazon.com/shops/cedricstudio

I’ve tried to undercut other Amazon sellers whenever possible. If I’ve got a like-new copy I’m not going to sell it for cheaper than someone selling a raggedy book full of highlighting and coffee stains, but if my copy is in the same condition as one listed by another seller I’ve tried to underbid him. They could always counter by lowering their price (some sellers even have software that does this automatically) but for the moment at least, buying from me will get you the best deal. You can check for sure by clicking on the item and looking at the various “Used and New” offers.

Happy shopping!

EDIT: While I’m at it I‘m also selling an autographed “Emperor’s New Groove” Kuzko maquette combined with an original drawing of Kuzko by Nik Ranieri. Better than a toasted plate of spinach puffs!

My Blog Is Now On The Amazon Kindle

Earlier today I submitted my blog for publishing on the Amazon Kindle. The blog should be reviewed and approved by Amazon.com within 48-72 hours. has been approved! Kindle users can now subscribe to my blog and read it on the go.

I’m not a Kindle user (yet) but my understanding is that Amazon.com charges a small fee for users to view/read blogs on the device. There is a free 14-day trial for each blog, after which the price varies but is usually around $0.99-$1.99 per month. (EDIT: Looks like they have priced my blog at $1.99/month.) Unfortunately as the blog owner I have no control over the pricing, it is set entirely by Amazon. I’d offer my blog for free if I could. Frankly I’m not sure if this is going to be a good strategy for Amazon since readers can follow blogs for free on just about any other device (iPhone, Blackberry, laptop, etc.). But as of now its the only option available.

(Full disclosure: Blog owners, including me, receive 30% of the subscription price for each blog. However, I’d rather offer it for free if I could and gain more readers that way. It’s not like I’m gonna get rich off of the Kindle.)

Still, the first 14 days are free so if you are an avid Kindle user and like to follow blogs you may want to give it a try. The Kindle is only black-and-white and the resolution is not great so I’m guessing its far from the ideal way to read an art blog. But if you follow a lot of blogs the Kindle is one more way to stay on top of it all.

Feel free to leave a comment below and let me know how it goes.

Even if you’re not a Kindle user, I’d be grateful if you could take a brief minute to review/rate my blog on Amazon.

Stuff I Recommend


I’m a huge collector of reference books. Among the dozens and dozens of books in my studio, there are a select few that I would highly recommend for any professional illustrator/character designer/animator to own. If you make your living drawing, this stuff can inspire you, boost your skills, maybe help advance your career or even increase your income. As part of my goal to make this blog a truly helpful resource for my readers, I’ve created a list on Amazon.com that organizes them under various headings. Categories include:

—Character Design
—Artist’s Reference
—Art Instruction
—Color Guides (for artists like me who struggle with color)

A link to the list will be permanently displayed on the blog sidebar.

In the interest of full disclosure I should mention that if you buy something from my list, Amazon.com will toss a few coins my way. I’m certainly not going to get rich off of it, but maybe it will be enough to buy a few extra cans of Monster Low-Carb.


While we’re on the subject, you may also have noticed the Tip Monkey that showed up on my sidebar a few days ago. I post new content every weekday primarily because I enjoy it. But it does take work. I want my blog to be a fun place, so no pressure. But if you visit regularly and if you’ve truly benefited from it, I certainly wouldn’t mind a small tip now and then. Either way, I’m grateful to have you reading.

Here endeth the sales pitch. Look for new, fun content again on Monday!