Deadline Crunch

At the moment I’m under the pile with five freelance projects. I’m doing turnarounds and mouth charts for an upcoming episode of 3-2-1 Penguins!, I’m creating some spot illustrations for a website, I’m designing a character for a popular food product (can’t say what yet), I’m illustrating some Spanish curriculum, and I’m getting started on […]

HOW Webinar Series

HOW Magazine is a leading publication in the art and graphics community. If you don’t subscribe, you should. There are a ton of great articles on both the creative and business aspects of being a commercial artist. Recently HOW started offering a series of online “webinars”. (A webinar is a seminar broadcast over the web.) […]


My mind wanders when I’m driving. A lot. One of the worst times to get a bright idea or remember to make a note about something is in the car. Taking my hands off the wheel to scribble a note on the back of a receipt is probably not the smartest thing in the world […]

More John K on Character Design

Recently I posted links to several blog articles on character design written by the talented, prolific, and opinionated John K. Here’s a few more good ones from his blog. Set aside some time to read these, his posts are always meaty: Bill Tytla – Terrytoons – cute animation, is it such a bad thing to […]

How I Insulted A Master Animator

Yesterday during my studio tour I posted a photo of an original sketch of Jafar given to me by master Disney animator Andreas Deja. I have mixed feelings whenever I look at this sketch. On the one hand, I feel deeply honored and inspired to have met Mr. Deja and to have walked away with […] “Fat Joe” (Final)

This is it. I’ve finished my nine-week character design course with Stephen Silver over at It’s been an amazing experience. Stephen is not only a brilliant character designer but also an inspiring teacher. Our very first assignment was to design a character based on Fat Joe from the play The Long Voyage Home. We […]