Advice For Building A Career As An Illustrator Or Cartoonist

My friend and fellow illustrator Paul Fricke recently sent me a great link: Advice for building a career as a freelance artist and/or paid cartoonist by Dave Roman Dave Roman has been working at Nickelodeon Magazine for the last nine years. He is also a frequent lecturer at the School of Visual Arts. This article […]

How Much Should I Charge?

As a beginning freelancer I really struggled with this question. When I bid out a project, how much is too much (or too little)? Do I bill per hour or take on the project for a flat rate? I don’t want to under-sell myself, but I also don’t want to lose the job because I’m […]

Deadline Crunch

Another busy week of freelancing. I’ve fallen a bit behind on my character design work for 3-2-1 Penguins, and since we are wrapping up pre-production it’s crunch time, the worst time to fall behind. Besides Penguins I’m also working on an advertising mascot, an illustration for a software company, an illustration for a Spanish curriculum […]

Magazines added to Recommended Resources

I’ve added three magazines to my Recommended Resources link at Communication Arts is a quality art magazine for creatives. It’s an expensive magazine printed on thick glossy paper, but it has a lot of good content. Several issues are themed around “annuals” (Design Annual, Illustration Annual, Photography Annual, etc.) which means that a big […]

Leopard: A Sweet Ride With A Bumpy Start

Before getting into today’s post, I want to thank the guys over at Drawn! for graciously writing a little blurb about my posts on October 20. That day I got a lot of visitors to this site–over 3,700–and the following day my blog made #61 in the top 100 WordPress blogs for that day. […]

Putting Life In Your Poses

I recently purchased the special edition DVD of Disney’s Jungle Book. It is widely regarded as one of the all-time classics of animation. Not because of the story. The plot is so simple that the movie should be a total bore. The movie is revered because of the characters. They are so incredibly entertaining and […]