Sketchbook Update: Old Mafia Hit Man


I decided to join in on the Character Design Challenge over on Facebook. This month’s theme is “Gangster”. I thought it would be fun to imagine an old hit man who still wears out of fashion turn-of-the-century clothes. The costume was inspired by this photo:

You can join the Character Design Challenge here:

Sketchbook Throwback: St. Patrick’s Day

Here’s a re-post from 2014. Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone!…

St Patrick's Day illustration by Cedric Hohnstadt

Today’s sketch is a combination of three things:

First, I’ve been having a blast following @sketch_dailies on Twitter. At the moment it’s a very popular feed with over 15,000 followers. Each day a new character is suggested and hundreds of artists from all over the web draw their version. The best ones are retweeted and they are amazing! Today’s theme, naturally, was “leprechaun”.

Second, I’ve been trying to add a sense of story to my practice sketches. I wanted to try something original with the end-of-the-rainbow idea. It seems to me that if there really was a pot of gold out there on a hill somewhere it would be foolish to leave it out in the open with only a small, unarmed man guarding it.

Third, I like to try and tie each sketch into the Pose Drawing Sparkbook somehow. At the back of the book is a bonus list of 100 Moods and Emotions to draw. This might be a good fit for “Dumbfounded”.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone!


T-shirt Art For My Parent’s Anniversary


My parent’s celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary on March 14, which also happens to be “Pie Day”. Math nerds will recognize Pi as a number famous for going on forever. It literally has no end but the first five digits are “3.1415”. Hence, the date 3/14/15 is “Pi (or Pie) Day”.

My parents asked me to get them a “Pi Day” t-shirt for the occasion. If you do a Google image search for “pi day” you see lots of apple pies cut in the shape of a Pi symbol, that sort of thing. That seemed a little too on-the-nose for me. Besides, this wasn’t just Pi day. It was also their 45th anniversary, which is quite a milestone. So I wanted to do something special just for them.

I pondered for a while…how could I combine pi, pie, and a wedding anniversary into one design?

This is what I came up with. My dad loves lemon pie, and the classic pie-in-the-face gag seemed like a fun way to illustrate the ups and downs of marriage. My only regret is that I didn’t do a better job of capturing their likenesses. These cartoon people only bare a vague resemblance to my parents. Caricature was never my strong suit.

For the record, my mom and dad actually get along pretty well. Like any couple they have their disagreements but my mom is actually a pretty calm person and my dad is not the type of guy to deserve such treatment. But the image was fun to draw and, I hope, gets across the point that marriage is hard but it’s worth hanging in there for.

Sketchbook Update 1-21-15



Today’s warmup sketch. Not sure it was 100% successful but it was based on a prompt from the Pose Drawing Sparkbook, “Smarmy”.


Sketchbook Update: Overstuffed Suitcase


With the start of the New Year I’ve been trying to do a practice warm-up sketch every day. So far so good. This is the first one that turned out decent enough I thought it was worth a post. It’s based on a prompt from the Pose Drawing Sparkbook that reads “Trying to close an overstuffed suitcase.” I started noodling around with the idea of a suitcase full of money and this is what I eventually came up with.