Character Design

Hasbro just launched a refresh of Monopoly. I was given the privilege of designing the updated version of the Mr. Monopoly mascot. It was an honor to help freshen up one of the most iconic game characters in American history. I started by working up several rough concepts. Some were closer to the classic Mr. M. For others I explored pushing...

Musicologie is a music school headquartered in Columbus, Ohio. They hired me to design a fun cartoon mascot inspired by the bird in their existing logo: I started with some VERY rough thumbnail doodles, messing around with a bunch of shapes and proportions. Some turned out better than others but that's how every creative process starts: The client asked me to...

Exodus 90 is a Catholic ministry for men. Their goal is to challenge men of all ages and backgrounds with a 90-day period of fasting and discipline, focusing on three areas: prayer, asceticism (self-denial), and fraternity (brotherhood). They asked me to help them design an appealing mascot that they could use in some of their materials. We talked about...

Arkray USA is a company using technology to make advancements in healthcare. They have a device for dentists that can analyze a patient's saliva and look for problems. The wanted a fun mascot character that would help them to sell the device to dentists, and hired me to help them out. We talked about various ideas including a detective, a...

I was hired by a company in Asia to design a mascot based on a gray snub-nosed monkey. Eventually the project went in a different direction and another artist was hired (you can't win 'em all) but I thought I'd share the rough exploratory concepts I submitted. If you like this, I've got two sketchbook collections available in my store. Buy Now ...