Any “Sketchbook Pro” Users Out There?

I’m slowly working on a post (or series of posts) about digital inking. In my research and in talking to other artists I’ve been hearing a lot of great things about a drawing program called Sketchbook Pro. Apparently it’s super fantastically awesome, rivaling Photoshop and Painter at a significantly lower price. When it comes to inking with a Cintiq, Sketchbook Pro (I’m told) blows Photoshop out of the water.

So, to any of you Sketchbook Pro users out there….Fill us in! Share your knowledge! Enlighten the rest of us with your wisdom! Leave a comment below and tell us what you like (or don’t like) about Sketchbook Pro.

[EDIT: If you’ve drawn or painted anything in Sketchbook Pro, feel free to share a link to the artwork as well.]

Tutorial: Inking In Illustrator


(Sketch by Corbett Vanoni. All rights reserved.)

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about inking via Ask Mr. Artist Guy and through posted comments. I’m slowly working on a post or series of posts about inking principles. As for the mechanics of digital inking, back in 2006 artist Corbett Vanoni posted a terrific tutorial about how to ink in Illustrator. Highly recommended.

Thinking About Inking

After viewing my last post, artist Robert Miller wrote me and asked:

What do you use to ink your art? These are cool rabbit illos!

I thought his question would make a good blog post, so here goes.

Earlier this year I bought a Cintiq and started inking everything digitally (more on that below), but for many years I experimented with various inking methods on paper.

Pen and Ink. I first learned how to ink by using a dip pen with Hunt 102 nibs and a bottle of good-old India Ink, and inked my drawings on smooth bristol board. This was back in the late 80’s, before computers, when cartoonists were still using rubber cement and x-acto knives to create layouts, and inkers used white-out to fix their goofs. I used the Hunt pen tips for many years, and with them I was able to get a clean, cartoony line.Read More