Launch Day! Pose Drawing Sparkbook + Facebook Gallery


It’s finally here! The official book launch for the Pose Drawing Sparkbook kicks off today at the CTN Animation Expo in Burbank. My wife Jennie will be joining me at table XB06, which will be out in the tent. Here’s my location on the floor plan (click to enlarge):

Map-My Location

If you’ve already pre-ordered the ebook, by now you should have received a download link via email. As for the physical book, you can pick up your copy from my table at the Expo. Otherwise, as soon as I get back from the Expo we’ll start mailing out orders.

If you are new to the party, you can learn about the Sparkbook, read excerpts, and order a copy through my studio store,

New! Sparkbook Gallery on Facebook

I’ve also created a gallery on Facebook where anyone can upload the drawings they are making from the Sparkbook prompts. No purchase necessary – you can get started with my free download of 100 sketchbook ideas taken from the bonus section in the back of the book.

Happy sketching!

Giveaway! Win A Pose Drawing Sparkbook


The folks at are having a giveaway. Follow them on Facebook or Twitter and win a copy of the Pose Drawing Sparkbook including the physical book, ebook, and a bookmark printed with tips from the book. Ends Friday, November 15.

An Early Review Of The Pose Drawing Sparkbook

Pose Drawing Sparkbook by Cedric Hohnstadt

I’ve started sending out a few early review copies of the Pose Drawing Sparkbook while I wait for the big shipment to arrive from the printer. The first review has made its way online, via Ron Doucet at FloobyNooby. I’m being very careful to ask people for honest reviews, good or bad. Fortunately Ron likes it.

Book Launch and Workshop at CTN-X


It’s almost here! The official book launch for the Pose Drawing Sparkbook will happen at the CTN Animation Expo in Burbank, November 15-17. My wife Jennie will be joining me at table XB06, which will be out in the tent area right across from the big live demo area in the middle of the tent. Blue Sky and Sony Animation will also be under the tent so I’ll be in very good company. Here’s my location on the floor plan (click to enlarge):

Map-My Location

If you are one of the hundreds of people who have already pre-ordered a copy of the physical book, either through Kickstarter or from my studio store, you can pick up your copy from my table at the Expo. Otherwise, as soon as I get back from the Expo we’ll start mailing out orders.

If you ordered an ebook version (either the basic or expanded) we will send you a download link on or before November 15.

I think this book has the potential to be a terrific tool to help a lot of artists put more life and personality into their drawings. Haven’t ordered a copy yet? You can read a few excerpts and place an order here.

Workshop: Be Your Own Boss (Freelancing Tips And Tricks)

For the third year in a row I’ll also be giving my presentation on freelancing and talking about the business side of being an artist. I’ll be speaking on Saturday, November 16 at 4:00pm. Unfortunately registration for my workshop is full but if you are unable to attend shoot me an email and I’ll send you a free PDF containing my notes from the talk.

Online registration for CTNX closes on Friday, November 8. Grab your tickets here.

Sparkbook Snippet: Personality and Emotions

(This excerpt is from a rough draft of  the Pose Drawing Sparkbook, a super-charged sketchbook designed to help you put more life and personality into your drawings. Think of it as acting exercises for your sketchbook.Read other snippets here and here.)

As human beings we all experience the same basic emotions, but everyone has their own unique personality through which those emotions are filtered. This can make for interesting results.

Sometimes emotions and personality can overlap. For instance, everyone has situations in which they feel confident but there are some people for whom confidence seems to be a defining characteristic. They are up for any challenge and not easily discouraged.

Likewise, when a naturally confident person begins to feel nervous they may demonstrate it differently than a timid person who is nervous all the time. The confident person may try to hide their nervousness whereas a timid person may wear it on their sleeve for all to see. Both are experiencing the same feeling but it comes out in very different ways.


Here are two boys waiting for the bus. Let’s call the Tommy and Timmy. From their poses we can tell that Timmy is shy and insecure. His back is hunched over, his chin is down, and his knees and elbows are pulled in. He is taking a clear posture of submission. Tommy, on the other hand, stands strong and confident. His feet are apart and his back is arched. He is the more powerful of the two and he knows it.


Now lets take that simple set-up and turn it on it’s head. A snake slithers by and the usually-confident Tommy is suddenly gripped with fear. Drawing Tommy climbing onto Timmy’s back not only creates a comical visual, but it is also consistent with their personalities. Tommy is still pushing Timmy around. He’s forcing himself on Timmy and using Timmy as a sort of shield. Timmy, on the other hand, is clearly not afraid. He is curious and even excited, yet he is still accepting a submissive role. Either that, or he is so excited about this wonder of creation that he is oblivious to Tommy’s bullying.

In this short little scene we see each character expressing both confidence and fear – but those same emotions are revealing themselves in different ways, consistent with their overall personalities.

Read two more Sparkbook Snippets: “Action Reveals Character” and “Acting With The Entire Body”. The Pose Drawing Sparkbook is now available for pre-orderAlso, don’t forget to download your free list of 100 Sketchbook Ideas as my gift to you. 

Christmas Gift Ideas For The Artist In Your Life


If you’re looking for any last-minute Christmas ideas you might want to browse through my store, Cedric Hohnstadt Recommends. It’s a collection of books, DVDs, and other resources related to art, animation, and freelancing. Each item is something I have personally owned, used, and found to be especially helpful and/or inspirational.

Full disclosure: If you order any of the items from Amazon after clicking through my store I’ll receive a tiny percentage of the sale as a kickback (you won’t pay any extra). So you’ll not only be filling someone’s stocking but you’ll be helping me support my iPhone app addiciton.