‘Slinky Headz’ Toy Designs for Alex Brands

‘Slinky Headz’ toy concept art by Cedric Hohnstadt for Alex Brands.

Headbands & Glasses for Goldfish Swim School

Children’s headbands and glasses illustrated by Cedric Hohnstadt for Goldfish Swim Schools.

Haunted Mansion for Kid Stuff Marketing

Haunted mansion “flashlight find” toy illustrated by Cedric Hohnstadt for Kid Stuff Marketing.

One Million Views

Three weeks ago I started posting my webcomics on TikTok as an experiment, just to see what would happen. After nineteen days I had more followers on TikTok than I had amassed on either Twitter or Facebook, despite being on both of those “legacy” platforms for over a decade. Then yesterday I shared a cartoon […]

Plush Hoodies

New blog post: Concept sketches and turnaround for plush animals that unzip to become hoodies.

Weather Cartoon for Spider Magazine

Spider magazine is published by the Cricket Group for children ages 6-9. They hired me to illustrate a full-page comic for the inside cover of their May-June 2019 issue. The theme of the issue was “weather” and they gave me freedom to come up with anything I wanted related to that theme. I’ve always admired […]