Wanna Buy Some Stuff?

Got some money burning a hole in your pocket but nothing to spend it on? I’m here to help. First, I’ve just updated my Cedric Hohnstadt Recommends store on Amazon.com. Lots of books, DVDs, and other resources that I give a big thumbs up to. Full disclosure: You don’t pay any extra by buying through my […]

Character Design Shuffle App

A popular exercise for cartoonists and character designers is to randomly pick from a list of characteristics (occupations, personality types, animal types, emotions, etc.) and then sketch a cartoon character based on them. Some artists, such as Chris Ayers, actually keep a Ziploc bag full of little slips of paper with such traits written on […]

Giving Tumblr A Try

More and more artists, especially in the animation community, seem to be flocking to Tumblr. I’ve decided to tag along. One the one hand I don’t really need yet another social network to stay on top of (I’m already active on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Behance, and every once in a while I still […]

My Annual Good Friday Post

Today is Good Friday. As a Christian this is one of the most important days of the year for me, the day we pause to commemorate the torture, crucifixion, and death of Jesus Christ. Some of you my wonder, why on earth would a day like that be called “good?” Because even though it was a […]

2012 Highlights and Accomplishments

2012 was another jam-packed year. In addition to surviving another presidential election and a Mayan apocalypse, my wife and I welcomed our third daughter into the world. I also stayed very busy in the studio working on lots of fun projects for clients in the toy industry (most of which I can’t show), as well as […]

Themed Costumes For Goldfish Swim School Mascot

Earlier this year I was hired by a chain of swimming schools in Wisconsin to design a mascot for their company, Goldfish Swim Schools. You can see a few of the initial sketches here. They named the mascot “Bubbles”, and they liked him/her/it so much that they asked me to create themed variations for use […]