‘Animation Insider’ Interview

Recently I was interviewed by Mike Milo over at Animation Insider about my work and about my upcoming Pose Drawing Sparkbook. Thanks Mike!

Sketchbook Exercise: Posing A Tired Man in a Chair

Tired Pose Sketches by Cedric Hohnstadt

I’m working on a Kickstarter project that I’m planning to launch soon. I don’t want to say too much about it yet, but it will be a tool designed to help other artists strengthen their poses and put more life into their drawings.

One of the exercises related to the project is to take a mood or an expression and explore as many different poses as you can to communicate the idea. In this case I chose a tired man in a chair. How many different ways could I communicate exhaustion using the same sitting pose? These rough doodles are the result.

If you’d like to be one of the first people to hear about the Kickstarter project when it finally happens (hopefully soon), just shoot me an email with your email address and I’ll be sure you get on the list.

“Storyteller Cards” on Kickstarter


I’ve decided to dip my toe in the water at Kickstarter and back my first project. A gent named Jason Tagmire has come up with a creative idea called Storyteller Cards, a fun, versatile game designed to encourage creative storytelling. Campbell Whyte is the illustrator and he seems to be doing a pretty great job. They are 90% of the way to their goal with ten days to go. If the goal doesn’t get met the cards may never get made and that would be a shame. Let’s help them get across the finish line.

Mother’s Day Sketch

Mother's Day sketch by illustrator Cedric Hohnstadt.Thought I’d share a card I sketched for my wife on Mother’s Day. She’s much prettier and slimmer than this, and usually not grumpy at all. But when you have young children there are definitely mornings that feel this way.


SpringCon Is This Weekend


This weekend (May 18-19) is the 25th Anniversary of SpringCon, Minnesota’s largest comic book convention. Come check it out at the Minnesota State Fair Grandstand and join in the fun. I’ll have a table along with over one hundred of the most talented artists and creators  in Minnesota and the surrounding Midwest region. There will also be door prizes, portfolio reviews, sketching, and the first 500 attendees will get a special free grab bag at the door. A complete list of guest creators can be found here.

If you come by my table I’ll also be selling some tools specially designed for character designers, cartoonists, and other artists who love storytelling, as well as possibly launching a Kickstarter project. More info coming soon.

Giving Tumblr A Try

More and more artists, especially in the animation community, seem to be flocking to Tumblr. I’ve decided to tag along. One the one hand I don’t really need yet another social network to stay on top of (I’m already active on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Behance, and every once in a while I still make an appearance Pinterest, DeviantArt, and Google Plus.) On the other hand, I get a lot of inspiration from following other artists and so I want to go where the action is.

In order to follow anyone on Tumblr I had to create an account, so I slapped together a page and uploaded a couple of sketches. At the moment I’m swamped with client work but once things slow down I’ll give it a closer look and see what I think. If I like it I might kick in for the long haul.

If you also Tumble, you can follow me at http://cedrichohnstadt.tumblr.com.

EDIT: Some artists are actually shutting down their blogs and replacing them with their Tumblr pages. For the time being my blog will be staying right here as part of my website and I plan to keep posting as always.