
Recently I was hired by Alex Brands to help with the launch of a new line of Big Wheels bikes. They were considering using illustrations for the packaging and asked me to whip up a couple of preliminary concepts of what that might look like (one boy, one girl). Here's what I submitted (posted with client permission):  ...

It's been another exciting year of illustration adventures, full of thrills and chills! ILLUSTRATION An illustration I did for the Strottman Agency was published by Lowe's in a Valentine's Day kids' activity kit. Hasbro gave me permission to reveal some sticker illustrations I had done for a My Little Pony playset and a Fur Real poster for HASCON 2017. I also...

The PDF version of Mostly Nonsense is now available in my online store! Although the physical book won't be shipping until around the end of December, you can order and download the PDF version right now. It's DRM-free and has over 100 pages of cartoons and sketches. [button color="default" link="" size="default" icon_after="caret-right" target="_self" block="false"]Buy Now[/button]...