Author: Cedric

Yesterday's warm-up sketch was a pseudo-caricature of the villainous Lee Marvin in the classic western "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance". I decided to add some b&w washes and pretty soon I was experimenting with several painting techniques in Photoshop. The result is a bit overworked and contrasty, but if you can't make mistakes in your sketchbook where can you...

Time for my annual Good Friday post: Today is Good Friday, the day Christians celebrate the torture, crucifixion, and death of Jesus Christ. So why is it called “good?” Because it was a good day for you and me. Earlier in my career I illustrated this 8-page cartoon Gospel tract. I hope it will help explain. If you like the tract, you can download...

Recently the Goldfish Swim School chain approached me looking for a new mascot to use in their promotional materials, signage, and merchandise. They wanted something cute and kid-friendly that could also be posed or dressed up to fit various situations and themes. Here's a few  of several rough character design thumbnail ideas I played around along with the final mascot...

Last year I declared March to be "Sketchbook Month" and started an informal little blog challenge: a sketch every weekday for the entire month. Several other artists joined in and pretty soon we had a pretty good party going. With the new baby things are just too crazy for me to attempt it again this year, but I'm hoping next...

Recently I've started an email correspondence with a creative director who was laid off from a large agency. She's looking for some freelance work to keep the bills paid and is thinking about possibly launching out on her own full-time. With the economy continuing to flounder stories like hers are becoming more and more common. I sat down to type up a list of resources for her and decided it would make a pretty good blog post.