Download My Updated PDF Portfolio


I’ve updated my PDF portfolio to go with my shiny new website. It contains fifteen pages of illustration, character design, toy design concepts, and misc. sketches. Download a copy to keep on file, take to a meeting, or email to a client or colleague.


Welcome To My New Website!

Cedric Hohnstadt Illustration now has a cleaner look, is mobile-friendly, and still has that fresh new website smell. There are still a few kinks to iron out (please let me know if you find any) but it’s about 95% finished. Enjoy!

Pest Control Ad

Pest Control
I was recently hired by the Minneapolis Star Tribune to do some advertising artwork for a local pest control company. I’m withholding the company’s name at the client’s request until things are finalized, but they’ve given me permission to post a bit of the art on my blog. Here’s one of a few pieces of art I did for them. Hopefully more to come soon.

UPDATE: The client is Adam’s Pest Control and the client made an animated ad with the art which you can view here.

Look, Ma! I’m In The Paper!

courtroom sketchUsually going to court and having the newspaper write about it is a bad thing. This is a rare exception.

Whenever a big trial goes down in Minnesota (about once or twice a year), I usually get a call to do some courtroom sketching for KSTP-TV. That may change someday since Minnesota has opened the door just a bit on allowing cameras in the courtroom. The Minneapolis Star-Tribune decided to do a write-up about it and built the story around me and my work. It was quite an honor, really. The extended version appeared in todays paper but you can see an abridged version of the story on the Star Tribune website.