Website Updates + New “Comp Art” Portfolio

Last night I made several updates to my website,  My website is over five years old now (which equals about fifty internet years) and badly needs a face lift to optimize it for the web 2.0 world. Until I can tackle that mammoth project I’m continuing to turn the crank on this trusty-rusty version.

The latest changes include:

  • Added a new section called “Comp Art” to showcase advertising marker comps I’ve done recently for end clients such as Best Buy, Target, Walmart, and Chef Boyardee.
  • Added 1 new sample to my “Illustration” page (bottom row center).
  • Added 1 new sample to my “Toy Design” page (bottom row, left corner).
  • Added 3 new samples to my “Courtroom Sketching” page (top row) from a court hearing I recently drew for ABC News out of New York.
  • The Facebook link on my Contact page now connects to my business Fan Page instead of my personal Facebook page. From now on I’ll be posting all of my freelancing update on the Fan Page and using the personal page mainly for the non-work related areas of my life. You are welcome to follow me on both, or if you’d rather unfriend me on my personal page and just follow the fan page that’s fine too.

Stay tuned for more updates, including newly updated PDF portfolios to download, updates to my mobile site, and more.