I’m Speaking At The Motion09 Conference

motion09SpeakerBadgeI’ve been invited to give two presentations on character design this fall at the Motion ’09 animation conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 11-14. It’s a real honor.

I attended last year’s Motion ’08 conference and it was one of the most fun and informative conferences I had been to in a while. I attended seminars on TV animation pipelines, character design for Flash, animating to music, surviving in Hollywood, acting for animators, designing ethnic characters, and more. I raved about it after it was all over. I even got to talk a little character design one-on-one with legendary character designer Dan Haskett. He was kind enough to look at my portfolio which was a real thrill. If you work in the animation industry (or want to break in) you’ll get plenty out of this conference.

Assuming the conference follows last year’s schedule there will be multiple seminars that roughly follow two tracks: One for character animation and one for motion design. I’ll be part of a new series of “after hours” seminars that will be offered in the evening. It hasn’t been decided yet whether I’ll be giving the same seminar twice or doing two different presentations. Either way I’ll be sure to pack in as much helpful info as I can. I’ll post more info soon.

In the mean time, be sure to check out the Motion ’09 website. The site is a little sparse at the moment but I’m told they’ll be stuffing it full of content very soon. So be sure to check back and/or sign up for updates.