(I’m going on about 3 hours sleep so I hope this is coherent). Earlier this year I had the honor of inking two issues for the re-release of “Opposite Forces”, a series created by former Disney animator extraordinaire Tom Bancroft (Aladdin, Lion King, Mulan). Tom has also done some directing and character design for VeggieTales, and he now runs Funny Pages Press and Funny Pages Productions. His work is fantastic and he’s about the nicest guy around. Anyway, issue #2 should be out “any day now”. I only inked the cover for issue 2, but inked the entire interior of issues 3 and 4 which should also be out soon. You can view some of Tom’s pencils here. The re-release is being handled through Community Comics by my good friend Sherwin Schwartzrock, and a graphic novel version of Opposite Forces is also due out later this year. I’ll post more info as soon as I get the details. In the mean time, look for Opposite Forces #2 soon at your corner comic book store!