Pose Drawing Sparkbook

My webinar "Bringing Your Drawings To Life" is now 1/2 off. The price has been slashed to just $10 for the full HD 90-minute download. Using principles from the Pose Drawing Sparkbook I tried to cram it full of tips to help you put more life and personality into your drawings. More info here, or watch these clips: [youtube_sc url=uWmqWcv9tKA width=450] [youtube_sc url=tJEbD1TQ3uo width=450] [wp_eStore_add_to_cart id=3] $20.00...

Almost a year after my Kickstarter campaign ended, I've now sold and shipped my entire inventory of the Pose Drawing Sparkbook. I'm thrilled that so many people have found it to be a helpful resource. Although there are no physical copies left, you can still order the ebook version as an instant download from my online store or through the iBooks...

The Pose Drawing Sparkbook is almost out of print! After a successful Kickstarter campaign hundreds of copies were printed and now I'm down to my final box of books. If you still want a copy you can place an order on my online store: https://cedricstudio.com/store If you are wondering if more copies will be printed, I'm afraid that, for now at least,...

[youtube_sc url=uWmqWcv9tKA width=430] Hey YouTubers! I've decided to join the party and have created my own YouTube channel. So far it's mostly clips from my webinars, such as the sample above (available for purchase in my store) but I've also put up a drawing demo, my own animation commentary on a Popeye cartoon, and a couple of other odds and ends. I'm not...

Today's sketch is a combination of three things: First, I've been having a blast following @sketch_dailies on Twitter. At the moment it's a very popular feed with over 15,000 followers. Each day a new character is suggested and hundreds of artists from all over the web draw their version. The best ones are retweeted and they are amazing! Today's theme, naturally, was...