poses Tag

News about my Kickstarter the Pose Drawing Sparkbook continues to spread! More sites are featuring it including On Animation, Animator Island, ShowMeTheAnimation, ComicRelated, and even a concept art blog from Brazil. But the biggest news is that the Sparkbook is now on the pop culture blog BleedingCool.com. I wrote a short article for them called Attack of the Killer Word Balloons (Why Artists Should Study Silent Storytelling) and whipped up...

(This excerpt is from the Pose Drawing Sparkbook, a super-charged sketchbook designed to help you put more life and personality into your drawings. Think of it as acting exercises for your sketchbook.Read other snippets here and here.) Don't limit your acting to just the face and hands. The head makes up less than ten percent of a person's body. You've got another ninety percent of...

Very soon I'll be launching a Kickstarter project, a new tool to help artists add more life and personality to their poses. In preparation I've started doing pose sketches to communicate various themes and situations. I've already posted a page of sketches playing off the theme of "tired". Here's one of a man getting dressed in a hurry. Once the Kickstarter...

I'm working on a Kickstarter project that I'm planning to launch soon. I don't want to say too much about it yet, but it will be a tool designed to help other artists strengthen their poses and put more life into their drawings. One of the exercises related to the project is to take a mood or an expression and explore...

balloo08.jpg I recently purchased the special edition DVD of Disney's Jungle Book. It is widely regarded as one of the all-time classics of animation. Not because of the story. The plot is so simple that the movie should be a total bore. The movie is revered because of the characters. They are so incredibly entertaining and delightful to watch that you can't help but get caught up in the fun. That is no small feat.