Sketchbook Update: American Eagle

110915-AmericanEagle-v2-800pxLike many Americans I’m overweight. I’ve been dieting and have lost ten pounds so far but still have a long way to go. It’s funny how dieting has led me to think about food and food issues even more than normal. We’ve become a nation of fatties which is both encouraging (“At least I’m not alone in this struggle”) and discouraging (“There’s so much food and so few role models”). Anyway, for some reason my subconscious cooked up this image during a recent doodle session. Tonight I colored it using Kyle Webster’s “Wet and Wild” watercolor brush which I’m really starting to like.

#obesity #america #fat #overweight

Sketchbook Month: Day 3

I’ve got an awful lot on my plate today so I had to bang this out quick.

Don’t forget to check out all the great submissions over at the Sketchbook Month blog! “Fat Joe” (Final)


This is it. I’ve finished my nine-week character design course with Stephen Silver over at It’s been an amazing experience. Stephen is not only a brilliant character designer but also an inspiring teacher.

Our very first assignment was to design a character based on Fat Joe from the play The Long Voyage Home. We were given this description:Read More