VeggieTales Concepts for “Merry Larry”

I was hired by Big Idea to do some character concept art for their latest VeggieTales DVD, Merry Larry and the True Light of Christmas (Amazon link). This episode features a guest narrator, Uncle Si from the runaway hit cable series Duck Dynasty.

Here’s a few rough concepts and final turnarounds, followed by some screen captures from the episode. Bob’s glasses were removed for the final show (I suspect because having unobstructed eyes makes the acting a bit clearer), but overall the end result stayed pretty close to what I submitted.

(Click to enlarge)

Bob Turnarounds for "Merry Larry" Christina Turnarounds for "Merry Larry" Larry Turnarounds for "Merry Larry" Mr Lunt Turnarounds for "Merry Larry" Miss Lewis Turnarounds for "Merry Larry"

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VeggieTales Concept Art for MacLarry and the Stinky Cheese Battle

A new VeggieTales episode recently landed on store shelves, MacLarry and the Stinky Cheese Battle (Amazon link). The story is built around a battle of escalating practical jokes between two rival tribes, sort of Braveheart meets Gladiator but with cream pies. I was hired by Big Idea to do some character and costume design for the episode, including designing two new characters: Chog Norris (who plays Larry’s dad) and some Turnips.


Concept art for VeggieTales episode "MacLarry and the Stinky Cheese Battle"Veggietales-ChogNorris-TurnsVeggietales-Turnip-turns

I also did a few illustrations for the episode. For example, this map:


Here’s a trailer for MacLarry and the Stinky Cheese Battle:

[youtube_sc url=8ucENkYBV2c width=430]

VeggieTales Costumes and Props

Last year I was hired by Big Idea to design some costumes and props for a VeggieTales compilation DVD called “God Loves You Very Much” (Amazon link). The DVD contains three previously published VeggieTales stories (“The Ballad of Little Joe”, “Gideon: Tuba Warrior” and “Rack Shack and Benny”) but new countertop segments were created to weave the stories together. My work was used in those kitchen comedy bits.

Veggietales-LarryVeggietales-BobVeggieTales-EaselThe script called for a few of the characters to create paintings during the countertop segments. Here’s a couple of the prop paintings I created:


“God Loves You Very Much” can be purchased from Amazon. (Full disclosure: If you click and then buy, Amazon will drop a few coins into my piggy bank.)

EDIT: Here’s a screen grab showing how it all turned out:

VeggieTales screen grab