Jeckyll and Hyde

As I mentioned yesterday, I’m taking a character design class from Stephen Silver at Our assignment for Lesson 3 had two parts. Yesterday I described part 1. Today is part 2. Last week we were told to choose one of two stories (Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde, or Oliver Twist), and start thinking about […] Portrait Study

As I’ve written before, I’m taking a character design class from Stephen Silver on I just finished my assignment for Lesson 3, which was actually two parts. Here’s what I did for part 1 (part 2 will be posted tomorrow): For part 1, we were given photos of four different men. First, we had […]

Make The Most of Your Website

For a freelancer, a website is an essential marketing tool. It proudly displays your work to potential clients 24/7. It trumpets your accomplishments to art directors all over the world. Most will not even consider hiring you if you don’t have a website. But not all websites are created equal. There are some little extra […]

“Hi, I’m a Marvel”…”I’m a DC”

I was playing around on my iPhone the other night and came across these YouTube videos. They gave me a good chuckle. The first one is a spoof of the “I’m a Mac”, “I’m a PC” commercials. From there they evolve into a series called “After Hours” where various heroes and villains hang out and […] Silhouettes

As I mentioned last week, I’m taking a character design class online from Stephen Silver at Last week’s lesson was on silhouettes. A strong character design will have a clear silhouette that is visually interesting, making the character instantly recognizable. To illustrate, I’ve taken Jafar from Aladdin and shaded him in. Notice how clearly […]

Mike Weiringo R.I.P.

Sad, sad news. From The comics industry lost a luminary this weekend – Mike Wieringo passed away Sunday of a sudden heart attack. Details are still sketchy as of this time, but according to close sources, the acclaimed artist had chest pains at some point during the day and called 911, but the responders […]