Monster Cereal Box Art for General Mills


In 2013 Count Chocula, Frankenberry, and Booberry had two old friends re-join them on store shelves. I’m delighted to say I got be a part of it.

Frute Brute and Yummy Mummy had each made brief appearances in the past but this was the first time all five flavors were on store shelves at the same time. Ultra Creative in Minneapolis was tasked with giving the two characters a modern refresh, and they selected me to help with the final packaging illustrations. This was a huge honor! It was also a bit of a challenge because we had to try to match the style of the existing monsters which were created a few years ago by another illustrator.

It was a tag-team effort. Art director Todd Demulling worked up some preliminary designs as a starting point and then gave me the ball to run with. I created the detailed artwork and then Ultra Creative made some final tweaks in-house.

I was also asked to do some artwork for the back of all five of the monster cereal boxes, working with art director Terry Schnipkoweit based on his detailed color sketches and layout:




This is a very high-profile project and I’m deeply grateful that the very talented team at Ultra Creative felt they could trust me to help them with it.

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