
It's been over a year since I've updated my PDF portfolio with a some new samples. This free download contains twelve pages of humorous illustration, toy design, concept art, and webcomics. I've included work created for Disney, Hasbro, Cocoa Puffs, GoGurt, and more! Download a copy to keep on file, take to a meeting, or email to a client or colleague. [button...

Three weeks ago I started posting my webcomics on TikTok as an experiment, just to see what would happen. After nineteen days I had more followers on TikTok than I had amassed on either Twitter or Facebook, despite being on both of those "legacy" platforms for over a decade. Then yesterday I shared a cartoon that blew up. When I...

Since today is National Coffee Day I posted a comic from the archives on the r/funny subreddit. Checked back a few hours later to find the comic was on the "Most Popular" page for ALL of Reddit. It ultimately got over 90,000 likes. That’s a first for me and I’m blown away. Thanks everyone!! ...

Once again I'll be tabling at the MSP FallCon at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds, Saturday Oct. 5, 2019, 10am-6pm. Just look for the red arrow on the map above. I'll be selling webcomic prints as well as my book of gag cartoons Mostly Nonsense. Stop on by and say hi! ...

One of my clients is Goldfish Swim School. Several years ago I designed a mascot for them, a goldfish named Bubbles. Since then I've drawn Bubbles in various costumes to celebrate many different themes (St. Patrick's Day, Camping, Winter, etc.) The art has been used as stickers, tattoos, and coloring book pages. Then the folks at Goldfish asked if I...

In between client projects I draw silly cartoons. I post them as a webcomic called Sketchbook Silliness. Click on over and browse the archive. If you support my cartoons on Patreon you can see an earlier version of this illustration with a different twist on this gag. You'll also get lots of other goodies like early access, rough sketches, links, downloads, drawing...