
A few doodles from one of my all-time favorite TV shows. Having a tough time drawing today. Some days the sketches just flow off the pencil almost effortlessly, other days its like rolling a boulder uphill. Today felt like one of those days. Still fun though....

Spring is just around the corner! Up here in Minnesota there's still plenty of snow on the ground but the days are getting warmer and the mounds of white stuff are shrinking every day. Last night it was finally warm enough that I could fire up the grill to make some burgers. Yum!!! That inspired today's Sketchbook Month entry. I...

Today's doodle is based on a casual comment I tossed off to my wife about one of our girls' toys. It made her laugh, so I thought I'd translate it into my sketchbook. Don't forget to check out all the terrific art that continues to flood into the Sketchbook Month blog. Great job everyone. Keep 'em coming!...

[caption id="attachment_2788" align="aligncenter" width="468" caption="Copyright © Cedric Hohnstadt 2011. All rights reserved."][/caption] I won't need to count any sheep tonight. It's been an exhausting couple of days—fun but exhausting. The sheep in my head will get the night off, which gave me an idea for today's Sketchbook Month sketch. Which reminds me, I want to give a big shout-out to my wonderful,...