
Back around 1995 while still in art school, I took a summer job drawing caricatures at a local amusement park. It was the first job where I actually got paid to draw, and it was a tremendous learning and growing experience for me. Sort of an art boot camp. I was very shy and insecure (and frankly not very...

Animator Keith Lango (VeggieTales, Disney, Robots) has an excellent series on his blog discussing the problems facing independent animators who want to market their work on the internet. Keith also has some good insights into what's wrong with the current system and what might be done to change things. "The Great White Hope of Indy Animators" is a must-read...

I've been super busy lately, burning the candle at both ends to meet deadlines. It's a good problem to have. Here's a few illustrations I recently completed as part of a large project for a Sunday School publisher. ...

The cartoon gospel tract I illustrated back in January has now been translated into French by Living Waters Canada. You can pre-order the French version here. Also in the works are translations in Spanish and Tagalog (Philippines). Wow, super-cool! ...