Author: Cedric

Earlier this year I was hired by a chain of swimming schools in Wisconsin to design a mascot for their company, Goldfish Swim Schools. You can see a few of the initial sketches here. They named the mascot "Bubbles", and they liked him/her/it so much that they asked me to create themed variations for use on calendars, removable tattoos, etc....

Highlights for Children is a classic kids magazine that's been around for a long time. I have fond childhood memories of pouring over copies in the waiting rooms of my local eye doctor and dentist, way back when the Superfriends and Schoolhouse Rock ruled the Saturday morning airwaves. It was always great fun to read and made those marathon waiting...

I want to give a huge thank-you to everyone who attended my Freelancing workshop at the CTN Animation Expo. The room was full with a few people standing in the back, so apparently there's some strong interest in this topic among artists in the animation industry. A handful of people followed me out into the hall afterwards for an impromptu...

A few weeks ago I decided to join the cool kids and get an instagram account. I'm not sure how to share the link outside of the Instagram website (if that's even possible) but all you Instagramers can look me up by my username, "cedrichohnstadt". If you follow my studio on Facebook ( you can also see my Instagram activity...

The CTN Animation Expo is without a doubt a "must-see" event for anyone interesting in working in the animation industry. On Nov. 16-18, 2012 hordes of animation lovers will once again be descending on the Burbank Marriott Convention Center for three days and nights of animation goodness. There's still time to register if you'd like to attend. Just like last year...