Author: Cedric

[youtube_sc url=a3sNyZ1RSEk width=430] One of my favorite clients is Living Waters, a Christian ministry run by speaker and author Ray Comfort. Recently they hired me to create a fun ecard explaining the religious meanings behind Christmas. The script and voiceover were provided by them, then I did the animation and editing. It's a combination of some new animation combined with clips...

I was hired by Big Idea to do some character concept art for their latest VeggieTales DVD, Merry Larry and the True Light of Christmas (Amazon link). This episode features a guest narrator, Uncle Si from the runaway hit cable series Duck Dynasty. Here's a few rough concepts and final turnarounds, followed by some screen captures from the episode. Bob's glasses were...

It's finally here! The official book launch for the Pose Drawing Sparkbook kicks off today at the CTN Animation Expo in Burbank. My wife Jennie will be joining me at table XB06, which will be out in the tent. Here's my location on the floor plan (click to enlarge): If you've already pre-ordered the ebook, by now you should have received a download link via...

I've started sending out a few early review copies of the Pose Drawing Sparkbook while I wait for the big shipment to arrive from the printer. The first review has made its way online, via Ron Doucet at FloobyNooby. I'm being very careful to ask people for honest reviews, good or bad. Fortunately Ron likes it....

It's almost here! The official book launch for the Pose Drawing Sparkbook will happen at the CTN Animation Expo in Burbank, November 15-17. My wife Jennie will be joining me at table XB06, which will be out in the tent area right across from the big live demo area in the middle of the tent. Blue Sky and Sony Animation...