Author: Cedric

Almost a year after my Kickstarter campaign ended, I've now sold and shipped my entire inventory of the Pose Drawing Sparkbook. I'm thrilled that so many people have found it to be a helpful resource. Although there are no physical copies left, you can still order the ebook version as an instant download from my online store or through the iBooks...

The Pose Drawing Sparkbook is almost out of print! After a successful Kickstarter campaign hundreds of copies were printed and now I'm down to my final box of books. If you still want a copy you can place an order on my online store: If you are wondering if more copies will be printed, I'm afraid that, for now at least,...

I've been a member of the Graphic Artists Guild for a couple of years now. They frequently host webinars on various topics related to business and art. The webinars are open to everyone for a fee unless you're a member. Then they're free. That alone makes a membership worth the cost. To give you an idea, here's a list of...

I've been plenty busy getting ready for our upcoming move to a bigger house while also working on several client projects that have to stay under wraps. In the mean time, here's a few interesting links and tidbits from around the ol' interwebs: Riddle me this, Batman: What classic TV show is finally coming to DVD and Bluray? [youtube_sc url=BTGAXBeYDcM width=430] Over in...