Author: Cedric

2016 was another jam-packed year for my illustration studio. I’m deeply grateful to have such a fun job where I get to work on so many exciting projects with so many amazing people. Here’s a few highlights from our most recent trip around the sun. (I'll warn you there are a lot of projects I can't reveal yet but I've linked...

In between client projects I draw silly cartoons for a series I'm calling Sketchbook Silliness. Recently I gave them their own website, According to Google analytics and social media likes/shares, these are my ten most popular cartoons from 2016 (ranked from lowest to highest): 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. More cartoons at [button color="default" link="" size="default" icon_after="caret-right" target="_self" block="false"]View More Cartoons[/button]...

Here's all the Sketchbook Silliness gags I posted during this past month: Also, if you back me on Patreon you can get BONUS cartoon gag sketches and other goodies. These are usually gags I'm on the fence about. They may or may not be funny enough to justify the full ink-and-color treatment so quality will vary, but as of now only my...