Author: Cedric

Recently a client approached me about doing a Flash-animated game with a football theme. Here's an early sketch of the team line-up. Unfortunately, the plug was pulled on the project before we could get beyond the concept stage. I'll be out of town until Thursday of next week, but I'll try to continue posting each weekday if I can....

I can't believe it. Today my blog is two years old. Having a blog is great. Doing so much writing helps me sharpen my communication skills. Posting my artwork out there for the world to see pushes me to work harder and draw better. My blog has also turned into a wonderful networking tool. I also love following the work of other...

I'd really like to attend Comic-Con this year but will have to skip. It's not exactly a cheap trip for me to take. There's the flight, the hotel, the admission, the food, and the $200+ I usually wind up spending on art books. Then there's the hidden cost of lost time from freelance work. Although the first time I attended...

Like many artists, I was an avid comic book reader growing up. I started reading Superman and Batman when I was about ten years old. I lived in a small town where comics were not readily available, so I couldn't believe it when someone told me you could actually subscribe to a comic book! I got a paper route so...

From the crazy folks at Cap'n Wacky: Users required to use AT&T for phone service, iTunes for music downloads, Fantastic Sam's for haircuts, and Jimmy Toledo's House of Hats for headwear. Advanced speech recognition software detects users talking about repulsive medical conditions on a crowded bus and delivers a powerful shock. Disobeys the first rule of robotics. Takes not only photographs, but also...

I got a call on Friday for a rush project that is due tomorrow. Since I was out of town all weekend at a cabin for my brother's bachelor party, I've got a lot of work to do over the next 36 hours. I'll be pretty much chained to my drawing board with my wife bringing me meals, an occasional...