Author: Cedric

I've just come off of a long, crazy stretch of freelance projects, so today was the first time in a long time I was able to kick back and enjoy noodling around in the ol' sketchbook. The top sketches are warm-up doodles and the bottom three are sketches from magazine photos. Ideally I'd like to spend at least a half hour...

A few months ago I took a character design class online through The instructor was Stephen Silver, one of the top character designers working in animation today. Stephen's video lectures were very inspirational and full of meaty content. I probably learned more from Stephen than I did from some of my professors when I was in art school. If...

If you've attended a comic book convention in the last few years, you may have noticed the "sketchbook craze" spreading through the art world. Comic book and animation artists will assemble dozens of personal sketches, have them made into booklets at Kinko's, and sell them at conventions and other events. I've been to Comic-Con twice in the last five years...

Recently I stumbled upon this excellent article from Bootstrapper (a good blog for the self-employed, entrepreneurs, and other do-it-yourselfers): Rookie Mistakes: 15 Blunders New Freelancers Make And How To Avoid Them For more info on freelancing, don't forget to check out other posts listed under "The Business of Freelancing" Category over to the left, and of course my Recommended Resources page on...

laptopdesktop.jpg Illustrator Doug Jones writes:
I have always had a tower type computer but now I am wondering if maybe I should go for a MacBook Pro as my main computer. Is there any reason to have the large tower type computers anymore?
A great question. I had to do a little research to answer this one. I'm fortunate enough to own both a powerful desktop machine and a laptop, and I use both regularly. Like many creative types I've been a devoted Mac user for several years, so I'm pretty clueless as to what's available in the PC world. But I'm pretty sure most of what I have to say is just as true for users of either platform. I'm not an expert on computers, so someone else may give you different advice. But as a commercial artist who works digitally, here's my two cents. There are several issues to consider:

I'm busy wrapping up a giant client project that is due post-haste, so unfortunately I don't have time to write a blog post today. But please take some time to browse the list of Art Blogs over on the left-hand side of the page. Loads of inspiring stuff! Fresh bloggy goodness coming tomorrow....