Author: Cedric

Last weekend NBC aired another new episode of 3-2-1 Penguins! Here's some of the character design work I did for that episode. For this episode my job was to design some jelly worm characters: a pair of prison guards, and a gigantic jelly worm creature that would swallow the bad guy's spaceship. I spent more time than usual on the color because...

Most of my work on the 3-2-1 Penguins! TV series was character designs and a few props here and there. However, for one episode I was asked to help out on some last-minute effects work. That episode aired this past weekend on NBC so I am finally able to show the art publicly. In this episode the penguins and Michelle answer...

A few short weeks ago issue #2 of Stay Tooned! magazine was released. It's a terrific magazine chock full of articles and interviews by cartoonists for cartoonists. It covers all sorts of cartooning from comics to animation to panel cartoons to character design to editorial cartoons to...

Tod Carter is an uber-talented artist. He's worn a lot of hats over the years from animator to story artist to director to illustrator. He's worked on projects for companies such as Disney, DreamWorks, and Big Idea (VeggieTales) as well as several TV commercials. I had the privilege of working under him on 3-2-1 Penguins! (he directed several of the...

My wife and I just watched Ben Stein's movie "Expelled" on DVD. I had seen it in theaters but forgot how good it was. It's a funny and very thought-provoking look at the debate between intelligent design and evolution. There's even a couple of animated sequences in the film. A 2D cartoon clip and an impressive 3D segment with the camera...

Last Saturday NBC aired another new episode of 3-2-1 Penguins! Here's some of the character design work I did for that episode. In this episode the Penguins and the kids land on a planet inhabited by alligator-like characters. This guy was the Emporer. The script described him as an Elvis fan and director requested that he wear an Elvis-like jumpsuit with...